There are two pieces of big news I want to shared with you. The first is that I have launched the first installment of my new physical zine for my Patreon titled The Oneironaut. It is a zine that shares my second thoughts, items from the cutting room floor, previews of things that are ready, but won’t printed for a long time in Through Ultan’s Door. Before I say more, just look at this beautiful cover, with header and design from Lester B. Portley and the stunning illustration by longtime zine collaborator Huargo.

It follows the journeys of the titular Oneironaut, a Phantamorian from the dreamlands of the dreamlands. Separated from his crew and forced by the pull of the strange currents of Oneric Sea through the splendors and horrors of Zyan. The first issue revisits hrough Ultan’s Door 1. In addition to introducing the story of the Oneironaut, it provides more lore on the strange denizens of the Inquisitor’s Theater, more materials for more dynamic faction play there, and also gives you a glimpse of some of the sources of inspiration in my design.
Some of the material will ultimately be republished in reivisions of the zines or in an integrated final hardcover version of Zyan. But it will never be reprinted in this form.. I printed only 200 copies. Half are already gone. When the remainder are claimed, they are gone forever and will never be reprinted. Until then, While copies remain, I will gladly mail one to any Patron who supports at the High Priest of MĀNA YOOD-SUSHĀĪ level.

Future issues will contain more new material. The second issue of
The Oneironaut will introduce a secret extra-planar mini-dungeon accessible through
The Catacombs of the Fleischguild (among other places)
titled, “The True Temple of Vulgatis”. I can assure you that it is wild. But that’s not all. My Patreon has also released 150 pages of never before published draft material for future issues of
Through Ultan’s Door. I’ve been sharing hexes from
The White Jungle, new dungeons, a whole new base camp for exploration in the dreamlands, and much more. Backers have already seen the full drafts for issues 4 & 5, as well as parts of issues 6 & 7. Honestly, if you’re into my zines, you should back for this reason alone. The Patreon has been an incredible help, since it has both given me deadlines to meet, and funds to pay for art and layout. After years of being stalled, it has allowed me to move forward with relentless purpose. I hope you will join! You can do so

The second piece of big news is that I have reprinted, at long last,
Downtime in Zyan, which I rapidly sold out of after fulfiling the Kickstarter.
Downtime in Zyan presents my elegant and expansive system of downtime activities, the actions that players take in the space between adventures. It supercharges sandbox play, getting the players invested in the setting from the end of their very first adventure. From cultivating a relationship to building an institution, from crafting a splendid item to martial training, the system has it all! You can, at long last,
order a copy here. I’m selling to US customers only. But I’m happy to restock any international resellers, provided you can handle the tariffs and any VAT and EU compliance issues for me. Just email me at throughultansdoorATgmailDOTcom.
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