Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Future of Through Ultan's Door


Two Problems

Although I haven’t exactly been quiet for the last few years—I’ve created a supplement about downtime and a launched a first season of a podcast on megadungeons—I have been stuck on releasing new issues of Through Ultan’s Door. I’ve been flummoxed by two things.

The first was that my Zyan material is a tightly integrated weird setting designed at each step to pull players deeper and deeper into exploration. This makes presenting material in an episodic fashion a nightmarish question of information design. The ideal solution to this problem would be to release single giant version of the setting in book format. Then you could get it all at once, and have everything you need to run an entire 5+ year campaign in Zyan.

But the issue is that I don’t have the time to do that. It would take even longer than it took for BREAK!! to come out. Working in smaller chunks is how I make progress. The small scale of the zine format is a huge stimulus to my productivity. It gives me a timetable, forces me to think about how to present information, and gets me writing. Just as importantly, the zines also fund my purchase of art, editing, and layout. But I’ve faced a lot of decision paralysis, and flip-flopping, about what to tackle first and how to carve up the material.

The second issue is that fulfillment for the Kickstarter for Through Ultan’s Door 3 burned me badly. It ate up a larger portion of my life than I can afford to give again. Since I’m not a full time game designer, my other commitments put uncomfortable limits on how much time I can afford to devote to my hobbies or (when money is involved) “side gigs” like rpg publications, even where these are labors of love that bring me joy. This didn’t stop me from running a Kickstarter for, and printing and fulfilling Downtime in Zyan. But that was an intentionally scaled back project: a single zine, possible to ship with minimal packing in a single rigid mailer. The thought of publishing and fulfilling multiple zines, along with reprints of past issues, has been paralyzing.

So I’ve been trying to figure out how to surmount these problems so that I can, at last, develop and share my Zyan material with you.

Two Solutions

Solution 1: Move to Patreon

I’ve considered two possibilities, neither ideal. I’m genuinely torn between them. If I moved to a Patreon format, this could motivate me to release things in bite-sized pieces in the same way that zines do. In fact, since less work would be required for each release, it might work a lot better than zines for this. I think I could release a nice chunk of Zyan material once a month. Since no physical printing is involved, it would allow me to set aside logistics until we arrive at the final printing of the actual project.

The model here would be Luka Rejec’s Ultraviolet Grasslands, or Miranda Elkin’s Nightwick Abbey. They both have used Patreon to good effect, supporting longterm, ambitious dream projects. The support here would be both financial and social in terms of building an enthusiastic base of supporters who helped to take the actual physical launches over the top. The modern social media landscape is very alienating and fragmented, and I do worry a lot about reaching people and drumming up support for my projects. While not solving all problems, Patreon would give me a leg up.

I could use Patreon money to commission editing, art, and layout for the posts I release as I go along. So people would get real value, and I would make real progress towards what I hope would be a jaw dropping final physical release. I could involve a graphic designer for layout, and some artists, on a more regular basis and just get working. As you’ll see below, I probably already have almost a year’s worth of material that I could get into shape to share in (say) bi-monthly posts starting as soon as next month.

Solution 2: Continue with Printed Zines in Batches

One problem with Patreon is that people have connected with Through Ultan’s Door as a physical object. I’ve worked really hard to fuse the physical quality of the zines and the luxurious imaginative content into a single unique package. What buzz they have created has, I think it would be fair to say, been in no small part because of their quality as embodied artifacts. My suspicion is that there are a not insignificant number of people who would buy physical zines, but who would be disappointed by the digital format of a Patreon. I would potentially lose momentum by moving into a purely digital format on an entirely new platform. Although it involves a lot more work, and the zines cost so much more to print than other people’s zines, I still suspect I could better financially support the project, and build buzz, by just getting on with printing more zines.

If I stay the course with physical zines, to overcome the first problem, I will need to release them in batches. Where a zine needs more context to actually use, the idea would be to release multiple zines to provide that context, to the extent possible. My standard in general will be to give people enough to actually begin playing the new material. It won’t ever be perfect, since anything published will always point towards further unpublished material. But it will be enough so that each new release can be profitably used.

As for the problem with logistics, I will need to run Kickstarters, so as to know how many physical copies I should print and to raise the money for printing. I will also need to partner with a warehouse that can do Kickstarter fulfillment for me. This would free me from the most agonizing and unmanageable portion of the process: packaging and shipping the zines.

At one point Matt from Exalted Funeral offered their warehouse for this purpose, as has Andy Action, so I’m hopeful that one of those two might provide a solution. I’ll still be printing the zines locally, so I’ll also have to figure out how to package them securely and ship them by freight to the warehouse in question. They also have a lot of separate parts, including encounter cards and so on, so I’m a bit nervous about having a warehouse do it, as it would be an ungodly number of pulls for each order, unless I did some pre-packing. I’ve never worked on these kinds of logistical difficulties before! But it will be well worth it if I can outsource fulfillment. In truth, there’s no other way I can move forward with the project if it remains in physical form.

Given that physical zines are a formula that I know works for me if I could just solve the logistics problem, I lean in this direction, although the Patreon option is veeerrrrryy tempting.

The State of the Zine

There is so much in development, it’s almost comical.

Republishing Downtime in Zyan

Since Downtime in Zyan is out of print, I have plans to republish it, hopefully by the end of July. I should be able to put it back up for sale in my store by late August. So that’s good news!

New Issues of Through Ultan’s Door

Temptations to switch to a Patreon model aside, I have been working productively on the zines this summer. I’ve gotten to a point where I’m inching up on four or five zines worth of content. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s in the hopper.

Through Ultan’s Door 4

This issue of Through Ultan’s Door takes you to the threshold of the White Jungle, presenting the hanging merchants, a launching pad for exploration of the White Jungle that lies just beyond the harbor that ends issue 3. It’s a jostling set up, full of Vancian shenanigans, with writeups of four backbiting merchants from the city of Zyan, and a few other notable NPCs, their wares, rumors for adventure in the White Jungle, possible otherworldly patrons who might sponsor jungle exploration, and more. It also shows how I would use the downtime system presented in Downtime in Zyan to build what I call a “basecamp”, a way station or home away from home, where one can engage in downtime activities on a smaller scale. It also shows one way to integrate that system with a table of campaign events and rising threats that keep the pressure cooking, while bringing a medley of strange visitors to the merchants, along with many opportunities for downtime and adventure. In some ways, although the issue is constrained to a single location, it’s also the most ambitious of Zyan materials I’ve penned to date.

The rough draft of this issue is 90% done. So it’s pretty close!

Through Ultan’s Door 5

This issue presents rules for exploring the dreamlike environment of the White Jungle that hangs from the bottom of the flying island on which Zyan sits. The White Jungle consists of four stacked hex maps that allow movement in 8 directions (the normal 6 hex faces plus up and down between maps) in a giant wilderness exploration hexcrawl where falling is a constant danger. This issue also presents the first level of the white jungle, the Brambles, a nighted level filled with hanging mossy isles, bramble thickets with wilted albino roses, and many strange locales. This issue includes a massive d100 encounter table for this level of the jungle, a hex map, and a hex key with entries for each of 51 numbered hexes for this level.

The rough draft of this issue is 50% done. Right now I’m working on expanding encounter tables and further developing the hex key, one bloody hex or encounter entry at a time. It’s grueling, but I’m making progress! (This is what I’m currently working on.)

Through Ultan’s Door 6

This issue presents three adventure locations from The Brambles in greater detail: The Cenotaph of Shirishanu, The Tower of the Golden Spore, and The Cages of the Empty Witch. Think of them as three 1- or 2-shot location-based adventures that can be found on the hexmap from issue 5. They integrate deeply with factions from the level, intimate significant lore for the setting, and give characters a crack at getting some wild magical objects with campaign altering significance. Having run each of them now several times, in several different dreamlands campaign, I think they’re a lot of fun.

The rough draft of this issue is 80% done. The work that remains here is much less grindy than on Issue 5, since it mainly involves polishing, expanding, and perfecting already existing material.

Through Ultan’s Door 7

This issue presents the second level of White Jungle: The Depths. The Depths are the beating heart of this vertical jungle. They present a fever dream of rich beautiful and dangerous flora and roaring fauna. It also hosts some of the farthest out hex locations imaginable, including Lake Yannu that hangs like a teardrop in the jungle; a holy dungeon in the body of a giant snake; and the wreck of a ship that once traveled the Oeneiric Seas and is now leaking the Id of its former crew into a corrupted portion of the jungle. This issue also introduces some otherworldly factions that have only been hinted at in earlier issues, like the Phantamorians, beings from the dreamlands of the dreamlands, and the spirits of the air, demons of the Endless Azure Sea.

The rough draft of this issue is 50% done. This is the level that has seen the most play in my campaigns, so it needs less grindy filling in than issue 5, as more hexes and encounters already exist. But I also haven’t polished it at all yet, so there’s a lot of work to be done here.

Pale Echoes

Finally, when I published Through Ultan’s Door 3, I promised to pull together a new line of zines called Pale Echoes that would explore different campaign premises, set in different versions of the waking world.

Pale Echoes 1

Pale Echoes 1 presents an alternate campaign frame, called “Elspeth’s Letter”, where the players travel to the dreamlands through the memories of a dead adventurer, the titular Elspeth. The party inherits her estate along with a host of problems. I have been play-testing this campaign frame with a full campaign for the last 3 years, and it is working just splendidly. This issue showcases a tight integration of local setting in dreary waking world, downtime actions, campaign events, and a campaign calendar, where most of the tension comes not so much from the waking world as from Elspeth’s past itself. It’s a premise designed to work less with an open table and more with a dedicated stable party of 4-6 characters.

This is 75% done. I’m still trying to crack the best version of campaign events, which are a devil to design with enough detail to be interesting, while also being flexible enough to support half a decade of play. I’m getting there, but there’s still some distance to cover.

Pale Echoes 2

Pale Echoes 2 presents in much greater detail the campaign frame that I originally employed, called “Ultan’s Door”, where the adventurer’s travel to the dreamlands through a door that has recently opened. In this issue I present the waking world setting of which Through Ultan’s Door 1 provides only the slightest glimpse. In this issue, expect writeups of the fickle Chatelaine of Storms, her seven colorful wizard apprentices, the state sanctioned religion of sleep and dreams, and the quaint customs of this ancient city. This setting is dominated by the fact that this is not the first such door to open, and that the last time it opened it brought the Chatelaine and prevailing religious order to power. This premise can be run either with a dedicated stable party, or with an open table. Most of the pressure comes from the fact that the campaign begins with a very unstable situation that threatens the involvement of many possible rival adventuring parties, and eventually the Chatelaine herself. The integration of downtime actions and campaign events is tied to the pressures that arise from this unstable starting situation.

This is 20% done, so quite unfinished. While I look forward to working on this, it’s definitely been on the backburner.


So that’s my exhaustive update on everything in development. I would love to hear your thoughts on this situation. While I don’t make decisions by consulting polls, I do value your opinions. What are you most excited about seeing published form? How do you feel about Patreon vs. physical zines? If you are a publisher how have you navigated fulfillment headaches?


  1. Go both. Use Patreon to give you a base, and then take the offer from the great team at Exalted Funeral to do your physical books. As someone who has your digital work (And will be soon repurchasing the physical) it would be a shame for you to get frustrated or stymied and stop. You are legitimately one of my favorite creators and I can't wait to see more of it. Either way, Great Job, and I hope this post helps.

    1. Seconded. I'd gladly patreonize you for a steady drip of material, and you could periodically collect and publish stuff in zines, or a grand Dolmenwoodesque compilation.

    2. It is tempting to do both. It introduces some complexity but it could probably be made to work.

  2. I'm most interested in vertical hanging jungle exploration.

    As hard as it is for you to present large chunks of information at a time, it is more useful for people like myself to have lots of interconnected material at once. Putting out sets of zines is a good compromise. It doesn't bother me to have to wait.

    On the issue of format, Punkcasher may be on to something. I own your digital content and am happy for any medium, but I think it would be hard to abandon the aesthetes amongst your flock.

    1. Yes, I'm pretty sure I'm going to do the next three zines as a batch, especially since they're all not so far off from reaching the finish line for the rough draft (although issue 5 is currently causing light suffering). The question is really whether to do a Kickstarter and if not how to handle funding the art, editing, and layout.

  3. Your zines are beautiful. I, for one, would miss them if you were to shift to digital content on patreon. If you were to go Patreon, you could use it to develop a single large book, à la Dolmenwood.

    1. I'm strongly leaning towards continuing on with the zine and just putting my shoulder to the wheel to solve the logistical problems.

  4. Frankly, I truly enjoy the physical books and not only because I'm an old fogey. They're beautiful. That said, if digital/Patreon makes your life easier, then do that. Looking forward to learning more about the White Jungle!

    1. After more thought, I won't be abandoning the physical zines. I'll try to get someone else to do fulfillment, or I'll restrict the Kickstarter so that it's manageable in some way.

  5. I was thinking the other day about this project and realized it's been quite awhile since the last release. I'm quite distanced from OSR blogs these days but this was one of my favorite projects so I'm glad to hear there's still a lot being worked on. The White Jungle was one of my favorite hooks, I can't wait!

    I agree with the "both" suggestion, personally. Keep people excited with Patreon releases, and I expect the people who are want the product in physical format will still be happy to buy it whenever that happens. I'm still waiting for the Hills Cantons omnibus, which has been teased for many many years. Most of us understand publishing takes awhile in this scene, I think.

  6. This is really exciting! I am pretty shy of Kickstarter these days but I would do it for Ultans Door. I really like the zines and prefer them to one big book. I can see how doing both patreon and the zines could be advantageous.

  7. Throw my hat in the ring for "both." I am quite happy with my time backing Gavin for Dolmenwood on Patreon. To sweeten the Patreon pitch, he offered a free pdf to patrons, even if they didn't back the Kickstarter. The funny thing is, I bet most of them did end up backing the Kickstarter, but I think it encouraged a few who otherwise wouldn't have joined the Patreon. The great thing about Patreon is that you can always pause it or charge only by the upload.

  8. I'll put in a vote for continuing with the zines however makes sense for you. You've simply done such a beautiful job with them and they're really such a nice format for compact play. Your zines are my favorite that I have. Can I also put in a vote for more episodes of Into the Megadungeon?! So good, and I'd love to hear more when you can make the time.

  9. I'm all about the Zines, as the series thus far has been amongst my most treasured rpg books. That said, I'd also back a Patreon in a heartbeat. Don't wanna be greedy, but I'll also throw in with others here proposing "both!"
